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新闻 & 事件 12bet官方研究所 Releases First Report on Out-of-Pocket 医疗保健 支出 for 2 Million American Families Based on New Data Source

12bet官方研究所 Releases First Report on Out-of-Pocket 医疗保健 支出 for 2 Million American Families Based on New Data Source

Report shows American families consistently delay healthcare payments until they have ability to pay, 说明财务健康和医疗保健支出之间的明确联系


Today the 12bet官方研究所 released a first-ever look at out-of-pocket healthcare spending by US consumers using real financial transactions on a month-to-month basis, 在国家, 地铁, 县级, 数据显示了2013-2016年四年期间消费习惯的变化.

这份报告, 自掏腰包:200万美国家庭的医疗支出, shows that families consistently delayed healthcare payments until they have more liquid assets at their disposal. 医疗保健支出在3月和4月明显飙升, 当大多数美国家庭收到他们的退税.

"The reality is that many American families don’t have the cash buffer to withstand the volatility created by out-of-pocket healthcare payments, and we need to better understand the correlation between financial health and physical health,戴安娜·法雷尔说, 总裁兼首席执行官, 12bet官方研究所. “有史以来第一次, we are able to look at the real impact of healthcare payments on the pocketbooks of American families and how these expenditures fit in to their larger financial condition. 这些数据可以作为联邦政策制定者的资源, 状态, and local level to better understand how healthcare policy decisions affect their constituents in very tangible ways."


  • A clear correlation exists between timing of healthcare payments and an account-holder’s ability to pay, with the largest payments taking place in the years and months with increased liquid assets. This finding emphasizes the clear link between a family’s financial health and their access to healthcare services.
    • 该报告发现,在3月和4月,支付额明显飙升, 当近80%的报税人收到退税时.
  • 各州之间和各州内部的自付费用差异很大, 强调国家在制定医疗保健政策方面的重要作用. 科罗拉多州的家庭花的钱最多, 而路易斯安那州的家庭支出占收入的比例最高. California was among the lowest in terms of both raw dollar amounts and payments as a share of income.
    • 作为这份报告的一部分,12bet官方研究所创建了一个在线项目 数据可视化资产 to illustrate these disparities and is providing downloadable payment data with information broken down to 地铁 县级s.
  • 自2013年以来,自付费用每年都在增长, 但一直保持稳定的收入份额, 又称“负担”.” However, women, 低收入 families and pre-seniors are bearing the highest cost burden. The finding merits further study to establish whether these higher payments represent broader healthcare utilization or a clear expense burden for populations that can afford it the least.
  • Families that are in the top 10 percent of healthcare spend in a given year tend to remain the highest spenders on a year-over-year basis强调慢性病的巨大成本和长期保健需求.
  • 医生, 牙科 and hospital payments accounted for more than half of out-of-pocket payments. 而医生的支付占了最大的支出量, 在费用方面,牙科和住院费用要大得多.

A clear correlation exists between timing of healthcare payments and an account-holder’s ability to pay, with the largest payments taking place in the years and months with increased liquid assets. This finding emphasizes the clear link between a family’s financial health and their access to healthcare services.该报告发现,在3月和4月,支付额明显飙升, 当近80%的报税人收到退税时.

各州之间和各州内部的自付费用差异很大, 强调国家在制定医疗保健政策方面的重要作用. 科罗拉多州的家庭花的钱最多, 而路易斯安那州的家庭支出占收入的比例最高. California was among the lowest in terms of both raw dollar amounts and payments as a share of income.
作为这份报告的一部分,12bet官方研究所创建了一个在线项目 数据可视化资产 to illustrate these disparities and is providing downloadable payment data with information broken down to 地铁 县级s.


12bet官方研究所的这份报告基于一项新的数据资产, 12bet官方研究所医疗保健自付支出小组(JPMCI HOSP). 该资产是使用2的样本构建的.3 million de-identified regular 追逐 customers age 18 to 64 between January 2013 and December 2016. The 研究所 defined out-of-pocket healthcare spending as any observed payments to healthcare providers and drugstores, 包括共同支付, 共同保险, 免赔额, 以及其他医疗服务点, 牙科, 或者毒品消费.

主要结论: 自掏腰包:200万美国家庭的医疗支出

  • Out-of-pocket healthcare spending grew between 2013 and 2016 but remained a relatively constant share of take-home income.
    • 2016年的平均自付医疗支出为714美元,中位数为276美元. 自付医疗支出以年均4%的速度增长.百分之三,共百分之十三.从2013年的629美元到2016年的714美元,占5%.
    • 医疗保健 spending measured in terms of financial burden was relatively stable between 2013 and 2016, 徘徊在1附近.税后收入的6%和1.总支出的2%.
  • 自费医疗支出的经济负担对老年人来说是最高的, 低收入, 女性账户持有人.
    • 女性账户持有人花费1.2016年,医疗保健支出占实得收入的8%,而这一比例为1%.男性账户持有人中有5人.
    • 收入最低的五分之一的账户持有人每年花费2亿美元.8 percent of take-home income on out-of-pocket healthcare costs in 2016, compared to only 1.收入最高的五分之一家庭的实得收入的0%.
    • 18到25岁的人只花了1美元.2 percent of take-home income on out-of-pocket healthcare expenses, while 55 to 64-year-olds spent 1.9%.
  • 医生, 牙科, 医院支出占观察到的支出的一半以上, 牙科和医院的支付频率较低,但数额较大.
    • 支付给医生办公室的费用(22%), 牙科诊所(21%), 2016年,医院(12%)占医疗保健支出的55%.
    • 医生办公室和牙医的支付在频率和幅度上有显著差异, as more than half of families (52 percent) made payments (with an average of $293) to 医生' offices in a given year, compared to 32 percent of families making an average out-of-pocket 牙科 payment of $465.
    • 支付给医院的款项, 医生, 按摩师, and other healthcare expenses were the fastest-growing categories of healthcare spending between 2013 and 2016.
  • 医疗支出似乎高度集中, with healthcare outflows from the top 10 percent of spenders amounting to 9% of total take-home income.
    • 以绝对美元计算, the top 10 percent of spenders accounted for 49% of total out-of-pocket spending in 2016, 平均消费总额为3美元,482.
    • 高负担帐户倾向于保持高负担帐户. Almost half of accounts in the top 10 percent of healthcare spend burden in 2015 were there the following year.
  • 在资金流入最多的月份和年份,医疗支出最高.
    • Months and years marked by higher healthcare spending tended to coincide with months and years marked by higher take-home income and liquid assets, 表明支付能力与医疗保健服务需求有关.
    • 在每四年的研究中, 医疗保健支出在3月和4月最高, 这与大约80%的报税人收到退税的时间相吻合.
  • There was dramatic variation in out-of-pocket healthcare spending between and within the 23 状态s studied in the report.
    • Average out-of-pocket healthcare spending in 2016 was highest in Colorado ($916) and lowest in California ($596). States that had higher healthcare spending levels generally had a higher burden of healthcare spending relative to income.
    • 各州内部也存在很大的地理差异. 例如, 在研究的五个目标州中——加州, 佛罗里达, 纽约, 俄亥俄州, and Texas – there was a more than twofold difference between the highest-spend and lowest-spend counties.



The 12bet官方研究所 is a think tank dedicated to delivering data-rich analyses and expert insights for the public good. 它的目的是帮助决策者, 企业, 非营利组织的领导者们也很欣赏这种规模, 粒度, 多样性, and interconnectedness of the global economic system and use timely data and thoughtful analysis to make more informed decisions that advance prosperity for all. 借鉴12bet官方 & Co.微软独有的专有数据, 专业知识, 市场准入, 该研究所对全球经济的内部运作进行了分析和见解, 框架关键问题, 召集利益相关者和主要思想家. 更多信息请访问: JP摩根追逐研究所.com.